Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Up and Running

I’m not 100% on what blogs are for. Are they really just to go over the bullshit that you do from day to
day, or should they be like a book of essays? Should I be working hard to craft a little story that has a
beginning, middle, and end? Should I just be blurting out what a think, even if it’s a rambling mess,
as long as it’s what I feel?

Who cares? Who reads this shit? The blogs that I know and like are the ones centered on a topic. I read
a lot of nerdy blogs like Gizmodo, which, at this point, I’m hesitant to refer to as a true blog. Sites like that are more like a digital magazines, I guess.

So now I’m going to try having a blog again. I’ve done it before, and I’m pretty sure the result was that
I had long rambling posts about the crap that used to upset me. That was years ago though, and I'm not so angry anymore. I'm mostly confused. What’s the point of all this? Am I supposed to be writing
clever, witty little things for people to read and relate to? Should my goal to get people to comment on
what I write?

Admittedly, I don’t have much experience with reading peoples’ personal blogs, but from what I gather,
most people write about private things, or stuff that pisses them off, and it’s always vaguely written
enough that, as a reader, you’re left not really understanding exactly what the person is referring to:

“At this point, I’m just sick of all this shit. I don’t need a bunch of fake friends telling me what to do.”

What does that mean? Who are you writing about? It’s got you angry enough that you felt like writing it,
but you were careful to make sure you didn’t include names or specific situations. All anyone can do is
wonder, and probably comment asking if you’re talking about them.

To be fair, I guess it’s difficult to specifically name names in a blog where you’re putting a person down.
I’ll be talking about this woman who makes me sandwiches at work (who is SO fucking uncomfortable to
talk to), and while I really think it’s a funny/strange situation, I can’t help but think about the possibility
of her stumbling across this blog (I don’t mean this will be a popular blog, I mean that it’s technically
possible that she COULD see it).

Are blogs personal? I can’t imagine they are because you’re posting what you write on the internet. I
know that’s a common thing to say, but it’s absolutely true. If you don’t want people to dissect what you write, don’t put it out in a public forum. The internet is a billboard.

So I don’t really know what to do here. I definitely do want to have a blog, to have a place where I can
write about stuff that I’m thinking about. But it’s probably not going to be focused on any simple topic like the successful blogs I know of. I HOPE it won’t be a place where I come to vent a bunch of bullshit without
explaining who, what, when, where, or why. And I really don’t want to just treat this like a place where
I advertise how clever and enjoyable I am.

What I’d like this blog to be is a combination of all these things. I want to do whatever I want, basically.
I want to talk about funny shit I imagined, I want to talk about things that piss me off, and maybe I want
to review movies when I see them.

Last of all, I'm thinking of posting old things I've written. Maybe scans of bullshit I thought of in high school or drawings I drew when I was a kid. Just whenever it makes sense to.

Hopefully I'll keep this up. If not, oh well!

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